Xcode Technology
Xcode Technology
Xcode ERP Mobile & Web Developer Xcode HR System Flutter Developer Xcode Accounting System Android & IOS Developer Xcode CRM System Angular Developer Xcode Project Management Laravel & Codeigniter Developer
Xcode Technology


What we learned from the Flutter Q2 2020 survey

What we learned from the Flutter…

Sep 19, 2020 In Technology

With a focus on code samples, app performance, and writing packages

Announcing Flutter 1.20

Announcing Flutter 1.20

Sep 19, 2020 In Tutorial

Performance improvements, mobile autofill, a new widget and more!

Grow with Google

Grow with Google

Jul 15, 2020 In Technology

Free tools and training to help with economic recovery in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Canonical enables Linux desktop app support with Flutter

Canonical enables Linux desktop…

Jul 14, 2020 In Technology

The Ubuntu team has produced a new GTK+ based host for Flutter apps on all Linux distros